About Us

The NFIS is envisioned as an overarching information management system that includes tools and protocols for system managers and interfaces for accessing data, information and maps from the NFD and other relevant databases, links to and between these databases, analysis, synthesis, tabulation and other thematic tools. The system will be accessible for the general public through internet; web-based applications will be available. The NFIS will include tools for decision support modules and user friendly graphical user interfaces for data query and reporting, GIS analysis and mapping. GIS module will include standard web mapping interfaces and tools. The information system will be developed using open source application platforms with industry standard administration and management interfaces and it will deployed in the web as a “software-as-a service” system. Key modules to be included are forest resources, forest carbon, forest management plan and programs, users and beneficiaries, remote sensing, Land use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF), REDD activities, social and environmental safeguards (SES) indicators, etc. The proposed NFIS will be deployed through hosting in a dedicated web application server to be based in GIDC which has facilities for space, continuous power supply, high speed internet connectivity, security and technical support.