
S.No. Details Published Date Actions
1 Variability of SOC with elevation 2022-04-22
2 Forest type map of Nepal 2022-04-22
3 Proportion of forest types at national level 2022-04-22
4 Land Cover Map Of Nepal 2022-04-22
5 Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation (2015). Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2025, Terai Arc Landscape, Nepal. Kathmandu: Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. 2021-06-03
6 The Status of Nepal Mammals: The National Red List Series. Kathmandu: Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation. 2021-06-04
7 FRTC (2019). Field Manual, 2019 (Remeasurement of Permanent Sample Plot), Forest Resource Assessment (FRA). Kathmandu: Forest Reserch & Training Center (FRTC). 2021-06-06
8 DoNPWC and BCN (2018). Birds of Nepal: An Official Checklist. Kathmandu: Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Bird Conservation Nepal. 2021-06-07
9 DFRS (2015). State of Nepal's Forests. Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) Nepal. Kathmandu: Department of Forest Research and Survey (DFRS). 2021-06-07
10 वन विभागसग सम्बन्धित निर्देशिकाहरूको संगालो‚ २०६५‚ नेपाल सरकार वन तथा भू–संरक्षण मन्त्रालय वन विभाग 2021-06-06
11 सामुदायिक वन विकास कार्यक्रमको मार्गदर्शन नेपाल‚ २०७१‚ नेपाल सरकार‚ वन तथा भू संरक्षण मन्त्रालय‚ वन विभाग‚ सामुदायिक वन महाशाखा‚ 2021-06-07
12 सामुदायिक वन उपभोक्ता समूहको आर्थिक कार्यविधि निर्देशिका‚ २०७३‚ नेपाल सरकार वन तथा भू–संरक्षण मन्त्रालय वन विभाग 2021-06-08
13 राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज तथा वन्यजन्तु संरक्षण ऐन‚ २०२९‚ नेपाल सरकार 2021-06-07
14 वन ऐन, २०७६, नेपाल सरकार 2021-06-07 lang.click-here
15 The Forests Act, 2019 (2076). Kathmandu: Ministry of Forests and Environment/GoN. 2021-06-14
16 Buffer Zone Management Rules, 2052 (1996). Kathmandu: Government of Nepal. 2022-11-03

Showing 1 to 16 out of 16 records